What Does The CE Marking On A Patio Awning Mean?

The CE marking is a declaration by the manufacturer (in this instance us – Caribbean Blinds UK Ltd), that their products meet all the appropriate provisions of the relevant legislation implementing certain European directives. It is a form of safety tests to give the purchaser peace of mind that the product they are purchasing meets high levels of safety and quality standards and are fit for purpose.

All patio awnings must carry the CE marking to show they meet minimum standards as set out in European Directive EN 13561 titled ‘External Blinds – Performance requirements including safety’. There are 19 different sections, however, the key mandatory section is wind resistance. There are 3 classes within the test: Class 1 – Beaufort 4 (17mph) wind resistance, Class 2 – Beaufort 5 (24mph) wind resistance, Class 3 – Beaufort 6 (30mph) wind resistance. The test is carried out by applying weights (which simulate different wind loadings) to the framework of the largest size patio awning within each particular range, releasing them and testing for damage

All our patio awnings have been tested and certified to either class 2, which equates to a fresh breeze or the highest class 3, a strong breeze. The chart below shows our different patio awning models and their certification rating.

Awning Model Wind Class Beaufort Speed Description
Anguilla 2 5 (24pmh) Fresh Breeze – branches of a moderate size move, small trees in leaf begin to sway
Tortola 2 5 (24mph) Fresh Breeze – branches of a moderate size move, small trees in leaf begin to sway
Cuba 3 6 (31mph) Strong Breeze – large branches in motion, whistling heard in overhead wires, umbrella use becomes difficult


Additionally, this test standard also looks at the resistance to water pocket of the fabric. This test states for an incline of 14 degrees which corresponds to a slope of 25% that the extended material shall withstand the force created by a possible retention of water or the water shall drain off to avoid forming a pocket of water. All our patio awnings when set with this angle (or greater), the rainwater simply beads and runs off, with the additional benefit, thanks to the exclusive nanotech TEXgard coating generating a self-clean effect, taking all the surface dirt and debris with it ensuring the material keeps a clean visual appearance.

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