Introducing: Domus

Meet The Team
With January almost complete, it’s time for the first of this year’s Meet The Team feature. Today we’re chatting to Domus who works as an Installation Technician transforming spaces up and down the country with our innovative external shading solutions.

1. How long have you worked at Caribbean Blinds?
I’ve been working at Caribbean Blinds for seven years now.

2. What do you get up to during your average working day?
I’m always out on the road installing our louvered roofs, patio awnings and external roller blinds.

3. What is your favourite aspect of the job? 
No two projects are the same so there’s always a new challenge to overcome which keeps it interesting. As we cover a large area, I enjoy working in lots of different locations.

4. What is the best skill you’ve learnt since working for us?
My electrical skills have definitely improved since I’ve worked at Caribbean. This is useful as I can transfer these skills to other places, such as when I’m working on the house.

5. How do you think Caribbean Blinds will evolve in the future?
In the future I’d like to see an increase in the number of installation teams along with continuing to expand our coverage area. Oh, and maybe I’ll be Manager haha!

6. What would you like to achieve most during your lifetime? 
One day I would love to buy my own house, but we’ll have to wait and see.

7. What other hobbies do you enjoy outside of work?
I enjoy keeping fit so I play lots of football and basketball. I’ve also recently started playing squash.

8. If your colleagues had to describe you in one word, which would they choose?

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