Advice & Useful Information

Get your Home & Garden Ready for 2020

As soon as summer is over most home owners will be deterred from persevering with their renovation plans due to the unfortunate British climate, especially if it involves landscaping the garden. Once the wet weather and chills set in…

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Holiday Heat Headlines are Masking the Real Issue

We recently came across an article by The Guardian’s Global Environment Editor, Jonathan Watts, reflecting on this year’s media headlines focusing on the record breaking temperatures with no mention of the direct correlation to…

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External Roof Blind | Conservatory | Caribbean Blinds

Why is my Conservatory so Hot?

Summer and conservatories are not a good combination, so what is the point in investing in one when they consist of a design flaw? They do offer an aesthetically pleasing look to the overall exterior design whilst flooding light into the…

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Intense Heatwave after the Downpour

The official day of summer was last Friday and we were all blessed with a blissful weekend of sunshine but the streak has not lasted long as we experienced a heavy downpour of rain, once this has all…

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One Reason Why You Will Not Find us on Amazon

Shopping trends have changed over the years since the introduction of the internet back in the 90’s, it has now become an integral part of our everyday lives. With information and resources more easily accessible, and advertisements thrown at…

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Best Home Renovation Ideas for Better Home Value After Brexit

With Brexit on the horizon many homeowners across the country are unsettled on how the housing market will react to the government changes that will be implemented on the 29th March 2019. Various sources have predicted different outcomes which is leaving homeowners…

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The Warmest February on Record

Over the last week many of you will have been enjoying the warm winter weather, strangely those three words together are very uncommon. For the first time in the history of the United Kingdom temperatures have risen above 20C in February, it…

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